Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some current work

Just some current sketches for the current project I'm working I will post more progress soon !

Monday, March 11, 2013

Brian Froud - guest lecture

So today was pretty good day , we had a guest lecture from none other than Brian Froud, who is mostly known for his work on films such as Jim Henson's "The Dark Crystal" and "Labyrinth"and creator of international best sellers LADY COTTINGTON'S PRESSED FAIRY BOOK, GOOD FAERIES / BAD FAERIES and THE FAERIES' ORACLE . He showed us portfolio of his work, and some of his current pieces which where brilliant pieces of art ."Never listen to your tutors" is a brilliant piece of advice he gave us all and to stay true to your work .All in all a Pretty good start to the week !

Sunday, March 10, 2013

So theses images are some I had started for class based work we had to read a piece on "sharing the bill " and create images of diners I decided to take it bit further and tried to create designs for possible Signs for this niche" restaurant "  I thought I would try create them in the style of  Olde English Pub signs . Ill photoshop the lettering and the pieces together soon and will hopefully make a bit more sense to those of you that are not too familiar with these signs.

                                                                  Very Fine Dining .

Some Skull Sketches I went online to find some images of real skulls to help with my drawing reference 
how skulls are shaped to help me create better character designs.

                                                             Some of my character designs , emotions in skulls , I have
                                                             Angry , Happy , bored and some front on and profile sketches .

Some of the Lettering Designs from my Sketch Book .

Roald Dahl Some Book Cover designs

So this was a project were I took  Two Roald Dahl  classics and created my own design for the book covers and one internal page designs .

The First Is my Designs for  "The Giraffe The Pelly and Me "
done with water soluble pencils and pen and ink .

 "Cover Page"

 "Internal Page 

Second Piece is  my design for "The Magic Finger " one internal page and book cover design
 I also used pen and ink with this , some gouche and water soluble pencils. 

"Internal Page 

"Cover Page "

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Dads Birthday !

So I did quick card for my dads birthday just used pen and pencil